en français

Voices for World Peace

Venue Registration

The Rotary Club of Winnipeg Peace Builder Committee is proud to provide the context by which groups, organizations, businesses, communities and institutions can come together to promote and advance understanding, goodwill, and positive peace through peace literacy education, awareness and action.

All means of expression such as words, music, arts, dance, athletics, meditation, prayers, ceremonies, dialogue, games, laughter, and communion with nature are encouraged to be part of Peace Days. 

The Rotary Club of Winnipeg Peace Builder Committee is committed to a Vision and Mission that encourages, facilitates and inspires peace and good will.

You are encouraged to use your imagination, creativity and best practices to organize your event to contribute to this Vision and Mission as part of Peace Days.

Please review the Registration Guide prior to submitting a registration form

Venue Registration Form / Enregistrement de lieu

1. Name of Organization or Group / Nom de votre organisme * required

2. Main Contact Person / Personne contacte * required

3. Website & Social Media / Site web et média sociaux

4. Peace Days Event Information / Information de votre événement * required

Is your venue accessible / Etes votre lieu accessible?
Yes / Oui     No / Non
Do you consent to having your event information shared publically /
Consentez-vous à ce que les informations relatives à votre événement soient partagées publiquement ?
Yes / Oui     No / Non

5. Registration Information / information d'inscription * required

6. Is there a Digital Component to the event? If yes, please answer the following
L'événement comporte-t-il un volet numérique ? Si oui, veuillez répondre aux questions suivantes

Please check the box to confirm that you have read the Peace Days Event Registration Guide and accept the terms within.
Veuillez cocher la case pour confirmer que vous avez lu le guide d'inscription à la manifestation des Journées de la paix et que vous en acceptez les conditions.